Hello, I greet you,
Arriving in Tahiti is something special, not that we were welcomed with dancing girls and flowers, no, but still, when you leave the Americas then Tahiti is the goal, so arriving here gives a "yes we made it" feeling, altough there still a lot of water to the west.
After a few months of quiet places, its takes some adapting to the city again, cars, busses, smoke, noise and a lot of dust on the dry island, but ok, we are in Tahiti.
First thing you do after the paperwork is looking for shops to repair the things that broke down underway, when the most repairs are done, then visiting the island, museums, and just hanging around a bit.
Most Islands here are surrounded with a reef, this give's good calm anchoring between land and reef, of course if something goes wrong you end up or on land or on the reef.
In the Tahiti museum we learned how the atols are formed, how the people lived in the old times, how the French toke it from the Brittish, and much more, certainly worth a visit this museum.
We made some photo's enjoy them with us.
Aproching Tahiti, in the center the diadeem, the center of the vulcano.
Point Venus, a few miles from Papeete, here we stayed for the night.
Passing the airport, on our way to the marina.
Surfing, very popular sport in Tahiti.
Marina Taina, mega yachts, plenty sailboats, the marina was very good for the small budget sailor, free dinghy dock and free water, here I bought my first and only beer, 5 euro, 7 usd, luckely it was happy hour, two for one.
All the toy's money can buy.
Some local girls at the entrance of the marina
Our dinghy dock.
You watch me, I watch you.
Papeete, shopping street.
street in Papeete.
Some Tahitians playing music.
street in Papeete.
Bus station, no bus shedule, you need some luck.
Smiling local women, people are happy here.
Polynesians like to use flowers in dayly life.
The local indoor market.
Some cooled coconut for thirsty people.
Fresh vegtables.
Tahitian made, very good smelling oil, made from coconut oil and a local flower.
the waterfront from Papeete.
At the waterfront.
Some local girls.
July is the Heiva festifal, rowing dancing and singing competition.
Tatoo's are very normal in the polynesian culture.
Every place on the body can be tatooed, with its own symbols.
Tiki's, Male or female statue's, can be found every where in polynesia.
Eddy's Tiki.
Glenda's Tiki.
Japanese queen in the pearl museum.
In the pearl museum we read that, Colombus was at Cubagua, a place well knowed to us.
Visiting the three waterfals, Beatiful nature, and plenty water for the Tahitians, the water are very high, 250 - 300 meters, very impressing, we could not make a good photo because they are so high, on this site better photo of the waterfall, http://www.world-of-waterfalls.com/south-pacific-vaimahutu-falls.html
Big tree, with a lot of roots and a little girl.
This is Captain Cooks anchor, at the Tahiti museum, He lost it on 16 august in 1773, After studying his logbook it was found back in 1978.
Some local writing.
Rainy day at the marina.
Sunset in Papeete.
Caio Tahiti.
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